Posts with Tag: Internet

The First True Peer-to-Peer (p2p) network: The Mobile Mesh

The majority of people in the world have a smartphone. A phone comparable to ones we use in North Am ...

ACM Future of Computing Academy

A few months ago, I got an email from the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) notifying me abou ...

The State of Connectivity in Canada’s Remote Communities

Previously, you might recall — I did a piece reviewing the [state of connectivity in Guatemala](http ...

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Multicast Ipv4 and Ipv6 in Java / Kotlin

I recently ran into a peculiarity of multicast in Java / Kotlin. I was using a MulticastSocket: []( and trying to ensure that it winds up bound to either an Inet4Address or Inet6Address. It turns out that even if I did something like: ``` val multicastSocket = MulticastSocket(InetSocketAddress("", MULTICAST_DEFAULT_PORT)) assert(multicastSocket.localAddress is Inet4Address) ``` The assertion could fail. Similarly if I did: ``` val multicastSock ...