Previously I had a plex setup on a dedicated computer in my house, however, I recently purchased a Ugreen NAS, and wanted to migrate plex to the Ugreen machine since it supports docker. Here are the s ...
The UGreen NAS runs some type of custom debian OS underneath the hood. Before I totally mess it up by installing my own stuff on it, I wanted to make sure I could restore to a workable state at a late ...
Today I was messing around with my UGreen NAS and wanted to be able to use SSH certs. By default enabling SSH uses password authentication. It looks like by default the UGreen NAS uses some permission ...
I recently ran into a peculiarity of multicast in Java / Kotlin. I was using a MulticastSocket: []( ...
Over the last six months or so, a couple friends and I have been working on and off on a hobby project to do indexing of IPFS content: []( ...
Today I was messing around making a mermaid sequence diagram of an ICMPv6 ping and found that its a bit tricky to get participants with `:` in the name. For example, something like this: ``` Host->> ...
A couple weeks ago, I was setting up a CI system with instrumented tests to run on Android devices. I have a spare computer at home that I use for these types of things, and wanted to run the github r ...
Was debugging some test failures today, and was finding it hard to debug because upon failure only a couple lines of stdout and stderr were included in the test report. Instead wanted to trace throug ...
### UI/UX popups Several years ago when I was working on RightMesh, it used to be possbile to startup a Wi-Fi direct hotspot on Android, use the advertising service or bluetooth to share the credentia ...
I've recently been experimenting with running a Livepeer orchestrator / transcoder on my newly acquired rtx 3080. I also do ethereum mining on it along with some old spare AMD rx 580 GPUs when I'm not ...
Recently, I've found myself unable to upload images to this blog, and for a while I thought it was some bug in my code as a result of updating some dependencies or something. However, after some debu ...
Occasionally, I work on some Android apps and in order to test them, I have a computer connected to a few phones running a self-hosted github runner hooked into the CI on the repositories for these ap ...
At work I was doing some stuff with the libmodbus library: []( This particular part of our codebase is c++. We needed the ...
I often work on Android projects, and find myself wanting to run through tests on real devices. I have a spare computer running Ubuntu 20.04 server and have a bunch of phones attached to it via USB. I ...
Previously, for my developer/gaming rig, I had a setup with one barely functioning 1TB HDD and a small SSD (128GB) or something. I also had a server with another 1TB HDD, a DNS321 with 2x1TB HDD in a ...
So I'm doing a bit of traveling around and wanted to work on this blog. I have it hosted on a computer at my house (which as far as I know is not against the ToS since its a personal use, non-profit p ...
A few weeks ago, I set out to learn a bit of go, and rewrite my blog software. Previously I had been using a wordpress install with a DIY template, and some custom plugins. This worked pretty great fo ...
As some of you may know, there was an iteration of this website that existed previously. I posted about things I was working on, research I was doing and tips on how to get some complicated software w ...
 Typical Jacoco report for a hello-kotlin-android app. I was having a bit of trouble getting this combination of tools working, and found most of the informa ...
 This past week or so, I’ve been working out of Rigolet, Nunasiavut with my RightMesh colleague, Frazer Seymour, and MITACs researchers, Prof. Dan Gillis and ...
Since I’ve spent the morning procrastinating and relaxing I figured I would write small entry on what types of things I would like to do if I had more time: * Write a program the can predict which te ...
It was completely expected, but still quite shocking that today the [US repealed net neutrality]( ...
A couple weekends ago I setup a bunch of decentralized projects on my computer for fun. As you might know I’m working on a project called RightMesh which aims to allow people to resell their extra net ...
After having freshly attended the Blockchain Conference in Santa Monica / Los Angeles I am freshly excited and motivated with all of the cool projects and companies that people are building on blockch ...
About a [month and a half ago](, I was on a plane to San Francisco to attend the 50th ACM Turing Awards and join the inaugur ...
The majority of people in the world have a smartphone. A phone comparable to ones we use in North America can be purchased for under $50, and there are much more affordable ones available as well. Pro ...
A few months ago, I got an email from the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) notifying me about an opportunity to apply for the inaugural cohort of the [ACM Future of Computing Academy](https:// ...
Previously, you might recall — I did a piece reviewing the [state of connectivity in Guatemala]( based on data provid ...
So we’ve got a Gitlab repo at work that we already have setup to publish merge requests and stuff to a slack channel where all of our developers can see them. . Tom and I have been all over the place, hustling hard and meeting as many people as possible, especially people who build robots. We were in Bo ...
At school there are a set of laptops which I occasionally run experiments on for my research. I usually like to work remotely as I travel a bit and live in other cities. These laptops are all connecte ...
Tom and I attended the Startup Festival in Montreal, QC. We took the startup train to the conference. The train was a great way to get there. It was filled with VCs, lawyers, other startups and lots o ...
I attended and presented at IEEE ICC 2014 in Sydney, Australia. I presented a paper entitled, “[A Utility Based Access Point Selection Method for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks for Enhanced Quality of ...
Last night, co-founders Tom & Jason presented our vision of mobile robotics at Democamp Guelph. We started the talk with the current problems in the industry. There is no complete solution for mobile ...
I just spoke in Victoria, BC at the 28th IEEE conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2014). The title of the paper I presented was "[A Wi-Fi simulation model which suppor ...
This past week I attended IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE2014) in Toronto, Canada. I was there because of two papers I was a co-author on. The work was part of a ...
A few weeks back I posted about a couple of hackathons I participated in. The first was the OpenData Guelph hackathon which I participated in with my friend from UW Stratford, Carlos Saavedra. We plac ...
I’ve recently participated in a couple of hackathons to keep brushed up on my coding skills. In both instances, the hackathons were motivated by working with open data, which I also find interesting. ...
A week ago I finally managed to complete my qualifying exam at Guelph. It was a rocky road getting here, and the exam wasn’t easy but thankfully it’s done and I passed. The biggest criticism I receive ...
As I’ve published more and more, I’ve been invited to become a reviewer for many conferences and journals. Some are by people I’ve met while presenting at conferences, but others come randomly in my i ...
For some of my research I have been delving into the details on how exactly station devices in an IEEE 802.11 network associate with an access point. As far as I understand from the standard station n ...
After what seems like eternity, I have completed my second (and a half?) qualifying exam document at Guelph. For people who know me, or who have read a bit of my blog, you may know that I am on my thi ...
With my Hostmonster account, I host this website with my domain, but I also have many other machines that are referred to with subdomains. For example, is my home ...
This blog has been running for quite a few years now and I got thinking about the traffic patterns on it today in an earlier post, so I thought I’d put some of the info together into a post :) Here a ...
Inspired by this blog post: []( a ...
The last few months have been crazy. I’ve had a couple of job interviews with tech companies in California, attended a BB10Jam, released a couple of playbook apps, started on some side research proje ...
Last week I presented a paper at IEEE ICC, and since its been a while since I have posted I thought I put up a bit of a summary about my work. For people who have looked at my site a bit, you might kn ...
Just a quick post, about an annoyance with my Toshiba Satellite laptop. Maybe it will help someone, but the wireless card had no power because the “hardware switch” was turned off. This laptop has no ...
Over the break, I decided to try my hand at some Blackberry native SDK programming since I recently got a playbook. I looked around the App World and noticed there weren’t any telnet/ssh tools availab ...
A Bluetooth NAP is similar to a Wi-Fi access point. In this case, we will be using NAP to share an Internet connection to another computer with Bluetooth. It is supposed to be able to support 7 or 8 d ...
Recently I have been playing around with the aircrack suite and in particular the aireplay-ng tool. This tool may be used for ARP replay attacks, however it requires that the monitor mode interface is ...
So I’ve been doing my PhD for over two years now, and I haven’t posted a reflective “state of the thesis” post in quite some time, so here it is. I have maxed out my 50 pages (not included ToC and ref ...
Today the KW Record ran an article entitled “Blanket Wi-Fi plans unplugged in Waterloo Region and Guelph, but growing in Stratford”. I thought I’d throw in my two cents since this issue is very relate ...
Previously, I installed ushare easily on Ubuntu following a process similar to this: I’ve recently become annoyed that ushare hasn’t been autostarting i ...
Recently, I setup a personal wiki for myself since I’m always encountering more information than I have time to read, but always want to go back later. Its also a way for me to organize topics I don’t ...
**Update**: This also continues to work on Ubuntu 13.04 Just a quick note to myself really about how to get Latex working the way I want on Ubuntu 11.04 (Texmaker GUI, and some fixes for some errors ...
As you may know, I have been ta-ing a course in operating systems. We just finished covering sockets and in the last lab I gave a socket demo where I show three different ways a server can listen on a ...
This post follows up on the last WordPress tutorial which shows how to start using featured images. In this post, I show how you can display a block of recent posts along with the featured image, in t ...
I created this function so that I could have a way of preventing very long non-breaking text links from breaking my web page layout. Paritcularly, this is used in my tweet / facebook section of my hom ...
Not a tutorial or guide this time, since everyone else seems to have this covered quite well, but thought I’d collect a few good links together in one place. Hopefully these links will be useful to so ...
This is a quick tutorial on how to get out featured images, which I use extensively on this blog ([]( The featured image is what shows on the home page for the site, and ...
This is a short tutorial on how to create custom icons for Burg, since I have been trying out some new operating systems and noticed there are no icons for them. The tutorial will cover how to make th ...
Some quick instructions on how to tether the Blackberry Storm 9530 in Ubuntu 10.04. (Tethering is for connecting to the Internet using your blackberry for the connection) ``` sudo apt-get install pyt ...
Today I was working on my thesis / QE document and wanted to have IEEE style referencing included in my document (using the built in references features). At first I started trying to modify one of th ...
Today I presented a recent paper on “Adaptive Mixed Bias Resource Allocation for Wireless Mesh Networks” at the BWCCA conference in Fukuoka Japan. The paper is authored by myself and Thabo Nkwe from t ...
Recently the ACM Student Group at the University of Guelph (which I am currently chair of) has been busy with some of our first events. The first was a programming contest modeled after the ACM-ICPC. ...
Tomorrow I present at Research Day at University of Guelph at 1:30pm. Here is the abstract for the presentation: **Title:** Radio Resource Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks **Abstract:** ...
Just a short post with some updates since I’ve been quite busy as usual. I have submitted the final draft of an adaptive scheduling algorithm for wireless networks to BWCCA conference in Japan. I int ...
Recently I reinstalled my laptop and was hoping to add chromium onto my multiboot setup. I can get it working with the standard USB key approach that is recommended on all of the guides, however it se ...
This post is somewhat motivated by [Prof. Andrew Eckford’s post]( that encourages graduate students and faculty members to post mo ...
In this post, I will show you how to install grub 2 with themes so that you can replace the standard text-based grub menu with something that looks a bit nicer. This tutorial will use code which is un ...
Ns-3 is one of the most popular simulation tools for network simulation. See the website: It is the successor to the popular ns-2 simulator. The tool is written in c++ / python, ...
It’s almost the end of my second term of being a teaching assistant at the University of Guelph. This time around it was an intermediate c programming class. I’m really starting to enjoy being a TA, a ...
This post is sort of a hodge-podge of random bits, mostly just so I can post something new to the blog to prevent it from stagnating too long without anything new. The last semester has been far busie ...
This past semester I had the privilege of assisting in an undergraduate assembly language class. From my experience in my undergrad years, I found this class quite challenging since it was much differ ...
Today I found out about some cross-Canada computer / math seminars that are sponsored by a consortium of research / computing organizations across Canada including SHARCNET, WestGrid, ACENet, IRMACS a ...
This semester I have been taking a soft computing course. We have covered fuzzy logic and are starting artificial neural networks (ANN) although I have missed a couple of classes due to the conference ...
This month I start for the second time at the University of Guelph, this time for my Ph.D. degree. I am continuing to work under the same supervisor and hopefully continue along with similar research ...
Well after a long break from writing in my blog I am finally back! (Thanks [Eddie]( for the encouragement to post again! haha) If you ...
This past week I travelled to the UK to present at my first International Conference – Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2009) in Bradford, UK. My presentation was on “Fair Schedu ...
Last Friday I successfully defended my thesis at Guelph. The room was full with lots of friends, students and faculty and everything went fairly smoothly. It definitely feels great to be done after al ...
Just a quick post to let any readers know why there has been a lack of posts on the blog lately. I have been working like crazy on my thesis with the hope of completing it in the next month or so. I h ...
This post is some quick instructions on how to install ns-2.33 and the hybrid wireless mesh protocol (hwmp) on Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex. More detail will be added later, just for quick reference right now ...
The trend in blogs, the internet and news sites lately is to write articles about the economy. Instead of that however, I thought I would use the opportunity to try to encourage people who might be co ...
On January 28th, the Computer Science department at the University of Guelph is having their annual Career Night. It’s being put on with the help of [CISters]( ...
Occasionally, I get asked questions on how to get into grad school, what can be done to improve the chances of making it in and how to get funding. I am by no means an expert on this, but every bit of ...
For the next stage of my thesis instead of using the well known ns-2 simulator as originally planned, I have opted to instead use ns-3. I have chosen this particular environment because it seems to be ...
On December 2nd and 4th 2008, Research Day for the Computer Science Department at the University of Guelph is taking place. Research Day is a day where many of the graduate and some undergraduate stud ...
Today I completed the listing page for all of the presentations our research group PerWin at the University of Guelph has made in the last year or so. PerWin stands for Pervasive Computing and Wireles ...
So I’ve recently come across a bunch of free computers and I’ve decided to try to hook them together to form a beowulf style cluster for running some of my simulations on since I think I can modify th ...
A couple of days ago while trying to stay awake while my simulations ran for hours, I came across this website: [Electric Sheep]( It seems like a really cool idea. It is a ...
As an update to my previous post on this subject “Computer Science, A Science?” more debate has taken place on the forums and blog as a result of a blog post by Tony entitled “[The most imp ...
Today on a whim I decided to pickup a Linksys WRT54Gv6 wireless router from Staples. It was on sale for $20 off and looked like the last one there. I’ve been looking at the DD-Wrt software for some ti ...
It’s been a busy few weeks, and I haven’t had much time to blog anything lately. I’ve sat in on a few good thesis defenses, quit my old job at the warehouse and got a new job as a web developer for a ...
Early this week, during a lecture at Guelph by Dr. Denko, I was introduced to the idea of ubiquitous computing. The idea was coined in the 1980′s by Mark Weiser at the Xerox Parc Lab. An extremely sim ...
Wireless Networks have become very popular in recent years and research in the area is very active. It is one of my main research interests while studying for my M.Sc. in Applied Computing at the Univ ...
Since I have been working with ns2 for the last few months in preparation for my thesis I have decided to write a guide on how to install the most recent version of ns2 on the most recent version of u ...
My research is becoming more focused as of late towards the area of fair scheduling and load balancing in Wireless Mesh Networks. Earlier this week I gave a talk in our wireless research group at Guel ...
Today I came across a great article on passion in research on Paul Ward’s website at the University of Waterloo and it motivated me to write something short about it on this site since it seems to fit ...
About a week and a half ago I had the opportunity to attend a CRM-Fields Prize lecture by Allan Borodin at the University of Toronto. An audio recording of the lecture is available here: [http://www.f ...
 Yesterday I found out that a paper I helped out with got accepted to [COCOA 2008 Conference]( ...
Computer Science is a broad term used to describe many areas in the field of computing. Wikipedia defines Computer Science as the “study of the theoretical foundations of information computing and the ...
The last few days have been extremely busy. I have finally settled on a thesis topic after a few months trying to decide. In case you don’t know my area of interest has been in wireless networks for s ...
Well this is my first real attempt at blogging. I finally got around to setting up the domain and some hosting so here I am. The purpose of this post will be to outline what exactly my blog is going ...
Previously I had a plex setup on a dedicated computer in my house, however, I recently purchased a Ugreen NAS, and wanted to migrate plex to the Ugreen machine since it supports docker. Here are the steps to get it working. 1. Install the docker app on the Ugreen. 2. Ensure SSH is enabled, and optionally setup SSH certs (see: 2.a Ensure your user is able to access docker, either manually, or via ansible: ``` - name: adding {{ username }} to group docker tags: docker become: true ansible.builtin.user: name: "{{ userna ...