Posts with Tag: Scheduling

ICC 2010 – Cross-Layer Mixed Bias Scheduling for Wireless Mesh Networks

This post is somewhat motivated by [Prof. Andrew Eckford’s post]( ...

Thesis Defense a Success!

Last Friday I successfully defended my thesis at Guelph. The room was full with lots of friends, stu ...

Fair Scheduling & Load Balancing in WMN

My research is becoming more focused as of late towards the area of fair scheduling and load balanci ...

CRM-Fields Lecture at University of Toronto

About a week and a half ago I had the opportunity to attend a CRM-Fields Prize lecture by Allan Boro ...

Most Recent Post

Configuring Plex on UGreen NAS with Docker and Ansible

Previously I had a plex setup on a dedicated computer in my house, however, I recently purchased a Ugreen NAS, and wanted to migrate plex to the Ugreen machine since it supports docker. Here are the steps to get it working. 1. Install the docker app on the Ugreen. 2. Ensure SSH is enabled, and optionally setup SSH certs (see: 2.a Ensure your user is able to access docker, either manually, or via ansible: ``` - name: adding {{ username }} to group docker tags: docker become: true ansible.builtin.user: name: "{{ userna ...