Posts with Tag: php

Gitlab + Multiple Slack Service Integrations

So we’ve got a Gitlab repo at work that we already have setup to publish merge requests and stuff to ...


I’ve recently participated in a couple of hackathons to keep brushed up on my coding skills. In both ...

WordPress Tutorial: Recent Posts Block with Images

This post follows up on the last WordPress tutorial which shows how to start using featured images. ...

PHP Tutorial: Replace long link text

I created this function so that I could have a way of preventing very long non-breaking text links f ...

WordPress Tutorial: Featured Images

This is a quick tutorial on how to get out featured images, which I use extensively on this blog ([j ...

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Configuring Plex on UGreen NAS with Docker and Ansible

Previously I had a plex setup on a dedicated computer in my house, however, I recently purchased a Ugreen NAS, and wanted to migrate plex to the Ugreen machine since it supports docker. Here are the steps to get it working. 1. Install the docker app on the Ugreen. 2. Ensure SSH is enabled, and optionally setup SSH certs (see: 2.a Ensure your user is able to access docker, either manually, or via ansible: ``` - name: adding {{ username }} to group docker tags: docker become: true ansible.builtin.user: name: "{{ userna ...