Redtree Robotics Updates

#ardunio #hackaday #hackadayprize #raspberry pi #reddit #robot #robotics


It’s been a busy few weeks (but that’s not really new!). Tom and I have been all over the place, hustling hard and meeting as many people as possible, especially people who build robots. We were in Boston, Las Vegas, Montreal and of course our home, Waterloo. We’ve been to tons of events – CTA in Boston, Collision Conference in Las Vegas, Demo Day in Montreal, PCH Hardware Meetup and ProductHunt Meetup in Waterloo.

The best thing is, everywhere we’ve been people want to get their hands on the Redtree Hydra. Especially because we’ve found out that we can significantly reduce the price. Tom has been working non-stop with our manufacturing partners to have something ready for late summer.

In the meantime, we’ve also entered the RedtreeHydra officially into the HackaDayPrize2015. Please follow us on there, and share our project with anyone you know that likes to tinker with Hardware. It is our goal that building a robot will be as easy as programming a phone.

The biggest benefit to this isn’t the prize itself – we’re more interested in engaging with the community of people who are building robots, tinkering with raspberry pi’s and arduino’s and building great stuff. You can also find us talking about the problems in robotics on reddit, attending any hacker or hardware event we can. We know that the best way we can see the Redtree Hydra adopted is for the engineers and tinkerers and startup founders to take the risk and try something new. These are the people who will be impressed with the features and power of what we’ve created and will convince the people they work with to build and design products around the Redtree Hydra.

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