Today I was messing around making a mermaid sequence diagram of an ICMPv6 ping and found that its a bit tricky to get participants with `:` in the name.
For example, something like this:
Host->>Router: ICMP Echo, HopLimit=64
Router->>ISPa: ICMP Echo, HopLimit=63
ISPa->> ISPb: ICMP Echo, HopLimit=62
ISPb->> 2001:4860:4860::8888: ICMP Echo, HopLimit=61
2001:4860:4860::8888->> ISPb: ICMP Echo-Reply, HopLimit=64
ISPb->>ISPa: ICMP Echo-Reply, HopLimit=63
ISPa->>Router: ICMP Echo-Reply, HopLimit=62
Router->>Host: ICMP Echo-Reply, HopLimit=61
I first came across this post: [](, however, when I tried:
Host->>Router: ICMP Echo, HopLimit=64
Router->>ISPa: ICMP Echo, HopLimit=63
ISPa->> ISPb: ICMP Echo, HopLimit=62
ISPb->> 2001#58;4860#58;4860#58;#58;8888: ICMP Echo, HopLimit=61
2001#58;4860#58;4860#58;#58;8888->> ISPb: ICMP Echo-Reply, HopLimit=64
ISPb->>ISPa: ICMP Echo-Reply, HopLimit=63
ISPa->>Router: ICMP Echo-Reply, HopLimit=62
Router->>Host: ICMP Echo-Reply, HopLimit=61
However, I found this post: [](, where if you do something like this it works:
participant Host
participant Router
participant ISPa
participant ISPb
participant endHost as 2001#58;4860#58;4860#58;#58;8888
Host->>Router: ICMP Echo, HopLimit=64
Router->>ISPa: ICMP Echo, HopLimit=63
ISPa->> ISPb: ICMP Echo, HopLimit=62
ISPb->> endHost: ICMP Echo, HopLimit=61
endHost->> ISPb: ICMP Echo-Reply, HopLimit=64
ISPb->>ISPa: ICMP Echo-Reply, HopLimit=63
ISPa->>Router: ICMP Echo-Reply, HopLimit=62
Router->>Host: ICMP Echo-Reply, HopLimit=61
Which results in something like this: