Posts with Tag: Ph.D.

PhD Candidate!

A week ago I finally managed to complete my qualifying exam at Guelph. It was a rocky road getting h ...

Technical Reviewing as Grad Student?

As I’ve published more and more, I’ve been invited to become a reviewer for many conferences and jou ...

Second Times a Charm?

After what seems like eternity, I have completed my second (and a half?) qualifying exam document at ...

Updates: Publications,Guelph ACM,Teaching,Thesis

Just a short post with some updates since I’ve been quite busy as usual. I have submitted the final ...

Update on the Lack of Updates & PhD Acceptance

Just a quick post to let any readers know why there has been a lack of posts on the blog lately. I h ...

Most Recent Post

Configuring Plex on UGreen NAS with Docker and Ansible

Previously I had a plex setup on a dedicated computer in my house, however, I recently purchased a Ugreen NAS, and wanted to migrate plex to the Ugreen machine since it supports docker. Here are the steps to get it working. 1. Install the docker app on the Ugreen. 2. Ensure SSH is enabled, and optionally setup SSH certs (see: 2.a Ensure your user is able to access docker, either manually, or via ansible: ``` - name: adding {{ username }} to group docker tags: docker become: true ansible.builtin.user: name: "{{ userna ...